Developer’s Description
MyFriendTweeter allows its user to specify a biographical description of his or her interests in order to locate new friends. This tool provides Full English language support during search. Just supply an English worded text (i.e., a sentence, a paragraph, or even a page of text) describing your interests and who you are. The program will iteratively search Twitter for other users that best match your interests. This Twitter search engine is far more accurate than standard search technology.
MyFriendTweeter is an example of an open-ended search engine. It will continuously search Twitter for new members which best match a persons biographical search data. This tool takes various parameters into account during its decision making process which include, but are not limited to: newly generated Tweets, new users, age of tweets, etc.
Finally, MyFriendTweeter allows a user to upload newly found search results to his/her Twitter account, and add them to the following list.
· Full English language search engine for Twitter.
· Biographical search of Twitter for new Friends to follow.
· Search text can be a sentence, a paragraph, or a complete page.
· Open-ended search engine. Keeps searching all the time for new Twitter candidates.
· Automatic upload of all new friends found to one’s Twitter Account.
· A Multi-Lingual User Interface encompassing over 140 languages and supporting hot-swapping
Publisher Description
Advanced Friend Finder for Twitter. Use a biographical description of your interests to locate new friends. Full English language support during search. Just supply an English worded text of your interests and who you are. The program will iteratively search Twitter for users that best match your interests. Far more accurate than other search technology. MyFriendTweeter is an open-ended search engine which continously scoures Twitter for new possible candidate matches. All found friend results can be uploaded to a Twitter account and added to the “following” list.
Released as shareware. Supported Platforms/OS: Android, BlackBerry, IBM AIX, Apple OSX, Free BSD, HP Ux, Irix, Linux, Open BSD, Sun Solaris, Windows (2k, XP, Vista, Win7), Windows Mobile.
MyFriendTweeter allows its user to specify a biographical description of his or her interests in order to locate new friends. This tool provides Full English language support during search. Just supply an English worded text (i.e., a sentence, a paragraph, or even a page of text) describing your interests and who you are. The program will iteratively search Twitter for other users that best match your interests. This Twitter search engine is far more accurate than standard search technology. MyFriendTweeter operates on all Windows platforms (Mobile and Desktop).
MyFriendTweeter is an example of a open-ended search engine. It will continuously search Twitter for new members which best match a persons biographical search data. This tool takes various parameters into account during its decision making process which include, but are not limited to: newly generated Tweets, new users, age of tweets, etc.
Advanced Friend Finder for Twitter. Use a biographical description of your interests to locate new friends. Full English language support during search. Just supply an English worded text of your interests and who you are. The program will iteratively search Twitter for users that best match your interests. Far more accurate than other search technology. MyFriendTweeter is an open-ended search engine which continously scoures Twitter for new possible candidate matches. All found friend results can be uploaded to a Twitter account and added to the “following” list. Operates on all Windows platforms (Mobile and Desktop). A Multi-Lingual User Interface to over 140 languages is available.
Limited number of search results
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