Sun. Sep 29th, 2024

DNS ProxywallDNS Proxywall

Key Details of DNS Proxywall

  • Block Web sites, domain names, and geographical locations using wildcard based rules
  • Last updated on 05/29/20
  • There has been 1 update within the past 6 months
  • The current version has 0 flags on VirusTotal badge_icon

Developer’s Description

By Verigio Communications

This easy to use DNS Firewall allows to block various websites and domain names with its flexible wildcard based rules.The rules are stored in XML files and loaded within a single click. There is a real-time DNS activity monitoring and logging to detect suspicious activity. The program maintains it own DNS cache to accelerate web browsing. The Exclusive mode of DNS cache allows to work only off the local DNS cache for additional security.

Full Specifications


Version 5.41:

  • Fixed: the reset of GeoDefsDB to build-in GeoDefsDB was clearning the rules.
  • Fixed: the unchecking a whole territorial region was locked.
  • Fixed: user-defined networks did not get visual selection during opening of the context menu.
  • Fixed: blocked IPs were not aggregated within Activity log.
  • Fixed: the autoscroll did not scroll to the end when logging in and the list was already populated.
  • Fixed: the visual association of some countries to respective regions was incorrect.
  • Fixed: was unable to add the same serial key for a subscription as for the active product.
  • Fixed: the activation dialog did not prevent the same subscription key adding multiple times during the product activation.
  • Fixed: now preventing rollback of GeoDefsDB upon cancellation of Settings dialog.
  • Fixed: now preventing loss of selection of a subscription within Activations dialog during refresh/re-validation.
  • Fixed: the activation dialog was not reflecting success/failure response from server for some time.
  • Improved: avoid displaying expiration of the subscription lincense that is not actually used during online communications.
  • Added: support for optimized geo database GeoDefsDB v2.0
  • Added: import/export of program-wide settings into an XML file.
  • Added: the progress animation within Activation dialog for product and subscription activations.
  • Added: the notification about new releases and the setting for frequency of update checks.
Features 30-day Trial Basic Pro Ultimate
Maximum number of name pattern rules 10,000 50 500 10,000
Maximum number of DNS records in cache Unlimited 100 Unlimited Unlimited
Maximum number of rules category profiles 5 1 5 100
DNS activity monitoring yes yes yes yes
DNS promiscuous monitoring of neighbors on the same subnet (wired networking) yes no yes yes
IP firewall blocking of network access toIP addresses not within the DNS cache yes no yes yes
DNS cache yes yes yes yes
DNS cache exclusive mode with no external domain name resolution yes no no yes
DNS cache caching of refused DNS requests yes no no yes
Save DNS cache to disk yes no no yes
Save DNS activity log to disk yes no yes yes
DNS proxy (standard DNS) yes yes yes yes
DNS proxy TCP tunnel yes no yes yes
DNS proxy SSL/TLS tunnel, authentication with self-signed certificates yes no no yes
DNS proxy IP-based authentication of clients yes yes yes yes
DNS proxy max number of standard DNS clients 3 2 3 20
DNS proxy max number of tunnel DNS clients 3 0 3 20
DNS proxy DNS record TTL adjustment to specified range yes no no yes
DNS client for standard DNS servers yes yes yes yes
DNS client for DNS over TCP tunnels yes yes yes yes
DNS client for DNS over SSL/TLS tunnels yes no yes yes
Geo DNS max number of countries for blocking/editing Unlimited 5 Unlimited Unlimited
Geo DNS display geo info for IP addresses yes no yes yes
Geo DNS territory-based prioritization (re-ordering) of IP addresses yes no yes yes
Geo DNS database auto-download frequency Manual
for 30 days
for 1 year
14+ days
for 1 year
1+ days
for 1 year
DNS request round-trip calculation yes no no yes
Blocking DNS requests with long roundtrip yes no yes yes
Replacement of IP addresses for DNS name patterns from the file. yes yes yes yes
Complimentary technical support for 1 year
*See end user license agreement for details.
no no yes yes
Background without a watermark no no yes yes
License to use for more than 30 days




Domain Name System (DNS) is the way web browsers obtain IP addresses of Internet servers. DNS Proxywall uses flexible set or rules to restrict access to websites by name patterns and geographical locations. It can also act as a proxy that provides filtering and caching of server names for other computers. To better understand the options when choosing a DNS protection, please see DNS firewall, DNS proxy, and DNS proxywall. Which one to choose?

DNS Proxywall

DNS Proxywall is a perfect combination of DNS Firewall and DNS Proxy in one product. It has a number of features that excites even the most demanding users:

  • DNS cache – accelerates web browsing by resolving names instantaneously.
  • Editing of DNS records – allows to specify your own IP addresses for DNS names.
  • DNS monitoring – allows to see in real-time domain names being resolved as well as the countries of their location. It also allows (on wired networks) to see which DNS names are resolved by other computers on the same network. The log can be viewed and stored into a file for later analysis.
  • Activity view filters – allow to keep on screen only important events (blocked, resolved via server, resolved via cache, etc.) for viewing. They filter out the noise and bring only important events right at user’s eyes with a click of a button.
  • DNS performance measurement – allows to measure round-trips of DNS packets during the name resolution to get an idea of how fast DNS names are being resolved. Multiple performance metrics allow to make analytical decisions about the upstream DNS servers and about the currently connected proxy clients.
  • DNS Proxy – allows other computers to connect in to use its cache or to use its DNS forwarding capabilities. There are several modes of operation supported: standard DNS and DNS tunnel (when DNS traffic goes inside of the TCP traffic). These modes can even work concurrently. DNS Proxy also supports TCP tunneling inside the encrypted SSL/TLS traffic.
  • Cascading of multiple DNS Proxywall servers – allows to organize them into a chain. Such a chain can consolidate standard DNS traffic into a TCP tunnel on one end, forward to wherever is needed, then extract the standard DNS traffic from it on the other end and forward it to any other standard DNS server. Juggle your DNS traffic whichever way you want.
  • Authentication – provides additional security between DNS Proxywall and DNS clients using self-signed certificates. There is no need to pay for certificates, just generate a certificate (within the program) and provide its signature to the other side. So the two sides of communication (DNS Proxy server and DNS Proxy client) can recognize each other. The access to DNS Proxy capabilities can also be restricted by specifying the exact IP address and subnets of allowed DNS clients.
  • Load balancing – allows to manually select the algorithm of forwarding DNS packets to multiple DNS servers.
  • The internal IP Firewall – allows to block not resolved via DNS addresses. It adds a solid layer of security that protects from malicious code that is trying to circumvent standard communication pathways.
  • Geo tools – allow to quickly identify which country/territory server addresses belong to.
  • And more, and more, and more…

DNS Proxywall is a comprehensive application that enables you to manage all aspects related to the Domain Name System. The tool can fulfill multiple roles, from using flexible sets of rules to restrict access to various websites to acting like a proxy that enables filtering and caching of server names for other computers. Since the names are solved instantly, it enables a faster web browsing experience.

Supports DNS monitoring and record editing

The highlight of the program stems from the fact that it allows you to preview in real-time how the domain names are being resolved. At the same time, you can check out the outgoing DNS traffic that originates from the local PC, incoming and outgoing traffic between DNS clients and the app, the incoming traffic from the local server and any other interaction between computers on a local wired network.

Depending on what you are interested in monitoring, you can filter out solely the relevant information, such as domains blocked or resolved via cache, for instance. The tool also allows you to specify your own IP addresses for the DNS names if necessary.

Allows DNS performance measurement and additional security

If you want to measure the speed of your connection, then you can consider using the DNS performance measurement features. As the name suggests, you can calculate round-trips of packets while the name resolution is being resolved and hence, get a general idea about how fast the DNS names are being resolved. The data can be afterward used to make analytical decisions about the upstream DNS servers along with the connected proxy clients.

Speaking of the clients, DNS Proxywall can provide self-signed certificate that can help increase security between the app and the said clients. You can easily generate a certificate from within the program and provide the signature to the other side, so the server and client recognize each other.



DNS Proxywall – This easy to use DNS Firewall allows to block various websites and domain names with its flexible wildcard based rules.

The rules are stored in XML files and loaded within a single click. There is a real-time DNS activity monitoring and logging to detect suspicious activity. The program maintains it own DNS cache to accelerate web browsing. The Exclusive mode of DNS cache allows to work only off the local DNS cache for additional security.


  • Fixed: the reset of GeoDefsDB to build-in GeoDefsDB was clearning the rules.
  • Fixed: the unchecking a whole territorial region was locked.
  • Fixed: user-defined networks did not get visual selection during opening of the context menu.
  • Fixed: blocked IPs were not aggregated within Activity log.
  • Fixed: the autoscroll did not scroll to the end when logging in and the list was already populated.
  • Fixed: the visual association of some countries to respective regions was incorrect.
  • Fixed: was unable to add the same serial key for a subscription as for the active product.
  • Fixed: the activation dialog did not prevent the same subscription key adding multiple times during the product activation.
  • Fixed: now preventing rollback of GeoDefsDB upon cancellation of Settings dialog.
  • Fixed: now preventing loss of selection of a subscription within Activations dialog during refresh/re-validation.
  • Fixed: the activation dialog was not reflecting success/failure response from server for some time.
  • Improved: avoid displaying expiration of the subscription lincense that is not actually used during online communications.
  • Added: support for optimized geo database GeoDefsDB v2.0
  • Added: import/export of program-wide settings into an XML file.
  • Added: the progress animation within Activation dialog for product and subscription activations.
  • Added: the notification about new releases and the setting for frequency of update checks.

License Key


Activation Key


Key Download


Crack Key




License Keygen


Serial Key


License Number


Crack Full Key


Product Key


Registration Key


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How can I download software for PC?

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Double-click the.exe file after finding it. (You may often find it in your Downloads folder.)
There will be a dialogue box. Install the program according to the instructions.
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By 7t7exe1

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